Red Shouldered Hawk – Chili
Name: Chili – Female
Species: Red Shouldered Hawk
Liberty Arrival: Adult / 2022
Injury/Condition: Fractured left wing
Chili was found in Yuma, AZ and spent time at another rehabilitation facility before being flown to Phoenix, and transferred to Liberty Wildlife. Radiographs confirmed she had several fractures to her left wing. After time spent healing, Chili does not have full use of her left wing, making flight extremely difficult. For this reason, Chili is non-releasable.
Red Shouldered Hawk Facts
Description: Red Shouldered Hawks are medium-sized hawks with a slim body, fairly long tail, and a small head. They are a rich-reddish brown on their chest with bands of black and white on their tail and flight feathers.
Habitat: Red Shouldered Hawks live in riparian and oak woodlands, as well as eucalyptus groves. They are not often seen in residential areas.
Range: Red Shouldered Hawks are primarily found on the California coast, as well as the northeast and northern Midwest US. Over the last few years, they have been expanding their range to northern Arizona; several pairs nest in Hassayampa River Preserve. West coast hawks are mostly nonmigratory.
Life span: Red Shouldered Hawks can live up to 12 years in the wild and 20 in captivity.
Prey: Red Shouldered Hawks feed on many types of prey, including amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. They have been known to eat small fish and frogs, too.
Nests: Both male and females build the nest, and will reuse a nest from a previous year. These stick nests are usually 2 feet in diameter, and are lined with bark, moss, and lichens.
Babies: Red Shoulders Hawks lay 2 – 5 eggs in a clutch. Babies hatch after about 32 – 40 days. Youngsters fledge (learn to fly) about 49 days later.