Wed, Sat, Sun from 10am until 1pm

*** $10/adult, $5/student (K-12), kid 4and under are free ***
*** no reservations required ***

Flight show and eagle presentation at 11:15am in our amphitheater

Various keeper talks and pop up presentations throughout the time

*** NEW GUIDED TOUR EVERY WED, SAT, SUN at 10:15 for $15 total ***

Pre-reigster for an upcoming tour by clicking here


Intake window open daily from 8am until 6pm

Call our Emergency Message line from 8am-8:30pm daily for help with wildlife emergencies 480-998-5550

2600 E. Elwood St.
Phoenix, AZ 85040

We’re located east off 24th St and north of Broadway in Phoenix.

For non-emergency/general questions you can email

Liberty Wildlife is committed to nurturing the nature of Arizona by providing quality wildlife rehabilitation, environmental education, and conservation services for the community.

Public Hours

Visitors to our campus during open hours experience first-hand interactions with our non-releasable wildlife and their handlers. Take a self-guided tour of our campus interpretive trail past many species of birds, visit the interactive room and meet our small mammals, reptiles and other desert creatures.

Open Hours are Wed, Sat and Sun from 10am-1pam

Admission: $10/adult and $5/student (K-12), children 4 and under are free.

Guided tours offered at 10:15am for $15 (includes admission).  Pre-register by clicking here

Reservations not needed to visit during our open hours

2600 E. Elwood St.
Phoenix, AZ 85040

We’re located on the first street south of the riverbed (East off 24th St and north of Broadway in Phoenix.)
NOTE: many older GPS systems may misdirect you given the many newer streets in the area.

If you prefer to book a private tour outside of our public open hours, click HERE

Non-Eagle Feather Repository

Founded in 2010 as a pilot project authorized by the US Fish & Wildlife Service, the Liberty Wildlife Non-Eagle Feather Repository provides Native Americans with a free, legal source of feathers for religious and cultural practice. A unique program nationally, we “give new life to feathers that can no longer fly.”

Book Your Event Here!

Consider our facility for your next event, business meeting/conference, birthday party, wedding, etc. For more information, click the button below.