Merlin – Emrys
Name: Emrys – Female
Species: Merlin
Liberty Arrival: 2021 / Adult
Injury/Condition: Right wing amputation
Emrys was found on the ground and arrived with a severe fracture to her right metacarpal (fingers). With the bloody supply to her fingers compromised, amputation was required to repair the damage. Due to the amputation, Emrys cannot fly and is not releasable back into the wild.
Merlin Facts
Description: Merlin’s are small, stocky falcons with blocky heads. They are medium gray on top, with a pale mustache stripe and thin white eyebrow. They have a compact body with a long tail.
Habitat: Merlin’s live in a variety of habitats, including bogs, lake islands, and fragmented woodlots. They have adapted well to residential areas, parks, and schoolyards.
Range: Merlin’s are found throughout the U.S and Canada. Most will migrate into southern and central U.S. and northern Mexico; the northwest residents will stay year round.
Life span: Merlin’s can live 6 to 8 years in the wild and up to 10 years in captivity.
Prey: Merlin’s eat mostly small to mediums sized birds, including the house sparrow, bohemian waxwing, and least sandpiper. Other prey includes dragonflies, bats, nestling birds and small mammals.
Nests: Merlin’s do not build their own nests, instead using abandoned nests of brows and hawks in semi-open habitats or conifers.
Babies: Merlin’s lay 4 – 5 eggs in a clutch. Babies hatch after about 28 – 32 days. Youngsters fledge (learn to fly) about 29 days later.